Modular/Upgradeable PDUs

CLEVER Modular PDUs are designed for power distribution within 19” cabinets and racks, and for easy mounting, either horizontally (conventionally fitted to rack rails) or vertically (mounting to any flat surface), and can be orientated for side and reverse mounting.

CLEVER Modular PDUs are built so that a host chassis is selected, of a size and capacity suited to the power delivery requirement, and outlet socket modules are snapped-in to deliver the power appropriately.

This concept allows sufficient power to be delivered where it is needed, with capacity for managed growth and flexibility to move power delivery up or down, or rack to rack, so that power can be balanced per phase, and potential for overloading phases is reduced.

For Datacenter owners, reconfigurable power bars such as CLEVER’s modular PDUs mean that power delivery to co-location spaces can easily and practically be changed to suit socket type and position dictated by a Customer’s hardware without the need to power-down a rack.
For Installers, CLEVER’s modular PDUs mean that main power provision (Modular PDU chassis) can be installed in advance of servers and other kit arriving, and the final socket count and position can be met as kit is installed, saving time and allowing a neater installation and minimised cable runs.

For Distributors, CLEVER’s modular PDUs mean that a wide range of PDU configurations can be available from stock for immediate delivery with a far smaller stockholding overhead than with conventional fixed PDUs.

For more information:-

Clever Electronic Basic modular PDUs